"Wrote" a song today, #142. Sampling from Twilight Hitchhiker episode, which I found so scary as a kid and actually still really is extremely scary to me. Here at 38, finally watching the entirety of it.
Listening back over old songs. I do impress myself a bit. Whatever though.
Have memories attached to some songs. 129 very strongly bits of england. Fake memories of course, best not examined too closely.
Today I ran awfully. Maybe it was the extreme soreness in my hamstrings from gardening these last few days. Or the night shift I worked. Hadn't worked one in a couple of weeks. And/or going up to 4 miles of intervals last run. Etc. Shouldn't get too frustrated.
But then furthermore power company contractors came by to take some large chunks out of the two biggest trees we've got on the front side of the house. Wife actually cried about it.
Also procrastinating the final go at that synthesis of the literature for publication.
:( At least S actually contacted me about going out for dinner. Normally I always have to take the initiative which I'm about tired for good of. Very rare for someone else to do so.