Monday, February 21, 2011

The Sinners of Erspia by Barrington Bayley
What is it called when a story is about quickly traveling from world to world? I thought "Space Opera" but although this story could be defined as space opera, it's really just a vague term for sci-fi that is somewhat simplistic. Which is to say, most of it.

Bayley is a "man of ideas". No hero with an ace. No overriding sense of injustice. Not much mystery. Although finding this Klystar actually does keep this going.

Here we hop from mini Klystar planet to planet, a few maybe not sufficiently explored. This book does have tons of sex. Way more so than I thought ever got published in sci-fi back in the day. Maybe it was published fairly recently although except for the sex it reads like it could have been published many decades past. From interviews Bayley says he hasn't managed to get published in a decade and that the life of most (sci-fi/fantasy) authors is about ten years. Maybe that's what he refers to, that his style is dated now, and he can't get published anymore....

Unusual book. Has rape and murder and graphic torture yet manages to be lighthearted. Lacks seriousness. Maybe purposely so? To manage to get in the rape, etc, caused by the Ahriman bad thought projections?

Some basic ideas about mankind's general stupidity, about how we're really only half conscious. Told in third person. I think I prefer first.

I think this sort of book could be fun to write. Key is not being too serious though. In the past I toyed with ideas that were similar to this but I tried to keep them serious. Pulling off a very serious version is not easy. The idea is to just quickly roam through many different type societies. A space ship is an easy vehicle to manage it. Vance though did it in Tschai without a ship, and was even very serious. Better to start attempting something like Bayley did or Vonnegut.