Saturday, July 9, 2016

50 days out and so impatient. So sick of no athletics as a distraction. Hope my sternum hurries up and heals. Had some moral outrage. But not the last day or two... Have decent book idea related to empathy and the afterlife.... Still problematic. The bigger thing was the main character has a loving and at least somewhat wise father. Instead of being in hell and so miserable that I couldn't stand to go into the world.

There is happiness in minimalism. Eating an entire pie generally doesn't make you any happier than a single piece. Relying on your imagination to fill in the blanks is usually so much better than the alternative in modern society concerning many things.

Going back to work next week. Unhappy to be going back and not entirely sure I'm up to it.

I think empathy comes first. Not trying harder than most to practice the golden rule.