Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Oldest Living Vampire (volume 1 and 2) by Rod Reduxxx
With the recent vampire craze plus the author's name which sounds suspiciously like a pyseudonym(sp), I expected this was something pulpish churned out by someone embarrassed to see it under their real name. But no matter, it's really quite good. Almost as good as some of Anne Rice's older stuff. Like her Interview with a Vampire, which was actually written in 1973.

I enjoyed the first book very much in that it had hardly anything to do with what one would expect from a vampire book and was more like Clan of the Cavebear. The hero marries a neanderthal even. We have alterior social norms and it's there for people to question our own in comparison. Nice but very short book.

The negative of book two was that all of book one is summarized in it, despite it having been so short, also summarized somewhat awkwardly. There is a pretty graphic description of repeated rape, but I think it's good for it to be there. Main negative is just that it's too short.

But all in all, pretty good stuff. As good as Rice, really. Better than the more teenage romance vampire stuff currently popular. I like the fictitious look at prehistoric times. Just too short.