Wednesday, June 26, 2019

I previously wrote that 3 miles in 20:59 on a treadmill in Feb 2014 was a huge PB and that's not true. Actually my 21:40 for a 5k race is a pace of 6:59 and that's better than the same pace on a treadmill at only 1% incline. And I did that pretty much on just running twice a week. But it seems for some reason I calculated that as a 7:13 pace. Was it because the race distance wasn't measured correctly and I went with what my garmin said? Possibily. Even if was really 7:13 and not 6:59, the 7:13 is just as good as any other run and I actually never broke that for a 5k from way back in 2012. And I'm pretty sure I really preferred just running twice a week. And then I did 16 miles in 2:27 as "10/2s"?? I was running for ten minutes straight? Pretty decent run. Including a first mile in 7:50???? In December 2011 I did multiple 2:40/50 16 miles with very short intervals (2:30/1:25????!)And a "6/2" for 12 miles in 1:48. It's no wonder I did a downhill half in 1:48 back then that summer of 2012. I probably would have done it faster as an interval workout..There were a lot of really long runs with shorter intervals. I know that wore out my knee and even beyond that I think eventually burned me out. Also some silliness with 5 pound weights in each hand. Also a 4/2 for 10 miles in 1:32:20. Then in the fall did a couple 20 milers and then wandered off into maffetone. Oh well. So, I'm quite curious about 6/2s twice a week. I wonder about that. Shorter stuff definitely is limited and I know continuous runs don't really work so great for me. And running everyday also doesn't seem to be so good. In other news, what a hellish life I've had. Please let me survive another 20 years with good health for my children. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

So I'm trying to improve at long distance running, tennis, piano and guitar. I'm pretty sure i will never again have time for the 40 by 20 foot enclosed raised bed garden i made and am considering removing it for some weeping willows. Possibly just let the bamboo go wild. I have a gaming computer but taking a break from that. Hopefully Hawthy will start playing elder scrolls and enderal on it soon.

No time for cello. Writing looms in the distance. Continuing to write my somewhat deep thoughts down elsewhere. Reading Wolfe's entire solar cycle now. Which i had read halfway through before. And read new sun at least 3 times probably more.

My running goal is sub 19 5k/ sub 40 10k. Or say 9 miles in an hour. My PBs are 21 5k, 7:53 pace for 8 miles. To somehow improve at my advanced age i'm trying easy intervals instead of much slower easy continuous runs. Easy continuous runs never did anything for me really before.

My fingers are toughened up for guitar. Need some good books though to start learning songs instead of chords. Barre chords are so hard. A major barring is possibly impossible for me. Barring at all on a 12 string, even scalloped..for get it. Was trying dgdgbd tuning that way. Maybe if i removed the lowest d like keith richards. Or maybe remove the 3rd and 4th string and tune the lowest 2 to like an e and something else? Also got a nylon classical so now i have 4 different kinds of guitars.

Learning canon in d on piano now. Really an easy one. Attempting to play entire gladiolus rag and chopin funeral once through everyday. It's a mental stretch to do both entirely. Also trying to find time for Nyman's heart asks pleasure. Just this is time consuming. If i wasn't also running and playing guitar everyday...

Everything one hand continental works great if playing someone who hits flat. But not as good against really heavy topspin. But I'm going to stick with it. I really need to practice high forehands though.

There is a mindset that it's better to be really good at one thing then ok at many. I highly disagree. Doing just one thing is boring and it's not really a competition. Music certainly shouldn't be anyway. The whole "i am a guitar god!" mindset is a perversion. It's about whatever song you are playing, not you. Same with piano.

In tennis and running (races) you are directly in competition with others but i don't care much about winning, just doing well. I'd much rather play tennis well and lose than win ugly / get my opponent to play bad. In running i just want to run fast with hardly any effort a long way.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Have a hypothesis that the usual traintraining advice doesn't work for people with relatively terrible aerobic development. Good development would be someone who's 5k pace is 7min/mile and easy pace is 9min/mile. Bad would be 7 versus 14. Or even 10 versus 16.

Supposely everyone is should do 80% of training at easy pace. One size fits all. But if you're easy is way slower than your hard the two just don't work off each other. The movement is too dissimilar. The ROM too different. Such people instead should do their "easy" at most 3 min/mile slower and make it easy by turning it into intervals. Like 11min/miles with run 4 min, walk 2. Until they eventually build up some aerobic ability.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

3/4s are best. Though mentally hard to stick with. All that rest means running very hard. Hard to do for long. 3/3s and 3/2s are next best. Then 2/4s, 2/3s, 2/2s, and 2/1s.

I had been trying to just do steady state easy runs. I'm so slow this way. And don't enjoy it. I like being faster. I like alternating back and forth. I'm sorry but going back to intervals. I'd be very happy to get back to my slow times of previous years. 8.41 for 12, 7.53 for 8, 7.25 for 5, 6.59 for 3. My mileage was actually quite low all those times. 20 to 40mpw.

I worry about injury. But I don't have to go so fast.