Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Played in a tennis tournament a minute from home in mens open and 35 and up. Had a good time. Played four pro set matches. Two easy wins and then played respectable in losing to two good players. Didn't have enough offense. Have been trying to hit a one hand forehand. Meh. Switched grips since tournament to berasetegui(sp). That way I can really take a rip without feeling tentative. ROS two handed though. Would really like to hit one hand backhand also but perhaps I should wait a bit on that. Hit some terrible shots here and there with it.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Started occasionally eating chocolate again. I'm a bit of a different person when I do. Just once every 2 to 3 days. The effect is long lasting. It's a drug. Supposedly reduces AFIB risk.

Continuing sternum issues. Last two nights slept on my back and it felt a bit better in the morning. (only bothers a little really in the morn lately). They say it doesn't matter how you sleep. I think they're wrong.

Feeling really good otherwise. Trying to go for a job after son goes to bed. Making sure to hit some hills without breathing hard. Love this time of year. The good weather. The sun up for 15 hours. The verdancy. My bamboo grove getting really big. This is the longest I've ever gone in my life without having someone treat me badly. I mean, actively. Certainly there are evil people who should be apologizing for what they've done who instead I have nothing to do with. But no one is actively actually doing anything ugly to me. It won't last I suppose. Well maybe it's a perk of getting old. People won't go after me as much. Perhaps I don't trigger their issues as much. Now I'm just some old person. Though certainly there are people I try to be nice to who aren't remotely nice in return. But whatever to them.

For instance, Colin White on facebook. It says he read the message. He never responded. Just weird. Kenny Koay. He has 168 friends. He didn't accept my friend request. ???? Hannah Hinton I guess doesn't want to play tennis with me. Why that is I couldn't say. That's little stuff. There is of course still Sarah N. Still basically her sister is like my best friend other than Jo. Still Sarah doesn't speak to me and I can't imagine her ever admitting she's wrong and I guess it's best to just stay away from such a person. Though I suspect she just couldn't stand how much she wanted me, lol. Maybe not. I don't know. She has such serious issues.

I think chocolate really fueled my creativity for years. But I worry I'm really playing with fire. I plan on eating chocolate chip cookies tomorrow for breakfast.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Things I wish I had known when I was 10:
1. Hit a forehand with your arm straight and don't pull your head up. Latch on to Dr. White, kiss up to Greg Patrick, so on. Kiss up hard to other adults as your own parents won't do anything for you.
2. Most running should be done without breathing hard. Breath hard like every 5 to 7 days.
3. Best to run at night. Don't bother eating afterwards unless the exercise was anaerobic.
4. Anaerobic exercise is what's giving you insomnia.
5. Stop eating meat. You don't need it to be strong. And you already know it's unethical.
6. Stop trying to bulk up/get huge. 210 pounds is plenty. Perhaps you're just doing this in response to being bullied and / or not getting anywhere with the chicks. The first reason is very sad. The second is dorky. And there's no magical way to get crazy strong. Arthur Lydiard had it right. Short of PEDs you max out within a couple months at most.
7. Try being a bit less idealistic. People aren't going to be honest with you. They don't even know how to be honest with themselves. They aren't going to discuss their differences and come to reasonable agreements / learn from one another. They mostly just start fights.
8. Instead of approaching dating like a game where the goal is to get someone to like you, ask yourself: do you actually like this person?

Really though I had no chance ultimately. I've often thought back about what I would change concerning the bigger more important stuff and there is nothing I could have done that was legal. I needed different parents to have any chance at all. I suppose I should have found some decent adult and latched on to them. Told them how bad my home situation was. But even that... who would that have been...??? Maybe Dr. White. No one else comes to mind.

But I wasn't smart enough for that. Instead of trying to change my situation I tried to make the best of it. Making the best of it I guess for me seemed to include not facing what it really was. Of course changing it would have been just about impossible anyway. Really I had no chance at all. I was thrown out into it without any chance and I was lucky to survive. I wish though I had understood better how ill prepared I was thanks to what my home life was though. I think the resulting humility would have been good.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

So I think the weighted back pack made my sternum separate a bit. Slight discomfort when yawning. Lots of cracking, etc when rolling over in the recliner. Sent a message to surgeon about getting an x-ray. It's tolerable I guess but pretty sure it hasn't completely healed. Hope it gets better than this. Though I never notice it with running or tennis.

I broke that kinetic racquet. Reflexively through when getting very frustrated with unforced errors when play Jay (winning ugly) C. He kept hitting a high bouncing junk ball to my backhand. Previously I handled it fine but in the tournament I kept hitting unforced errors on it (so of course he just kept hitting the same junk.) I eventually figured it out but by then I had lost the first set 6-2. And broke my racquet. Not a premeditated throw. Hate it when I see pro's purposely break their racquet.

Occurred to me to keep my arm straight and then maybe I can hit a one hand forehand without injury. Have been doing that for a couple weeks and haven't had arm issues. For the heck of it I also switched to a very light oversized racquet. Hammer system thing. Weighs a little less than 11 ounces. Until I add a grip which means it's very headlight anyway. Plenty of power with it. Hitting too many unforced errors with one hand forehand so far. But liking it for now. And hitting ROS two handed. Also really practicing one hand backhand. Secret is to not use wrist. Hope to eventually really use it in matches. With the exception of the two hand forehand slice, one handed feels better. At least when hitting topspin.

Oh what else. Getting pretty bored talking about tennis. Rereading Chron of Narnia. I do believe Planet Narnia is true but I don't think it's a really big deal. Lewis was a good author. I loved these books as a kid. Of course someone could write the same today (and assuming they weren't already a well known, prolific writer and cambridge professor) and they probably wouldn't get published.

I still vaguely think of writing.

Started playing MTG with Bekah and her fiance. Since perhaps September of 2016. Finally put together a good standard deck. White mono for standard. Won 5 out of 9 in local tournament and really should have won 6 out of 9 at least in terms of how good the deck was. And of course I put it together entirely on my own, didn't look it up online.

So whatever to that, kind of silly. But you know, such is life. Think I could have really loved it when I was about 12. I will continue to play it. Though I suspect I'll eventually get a tad bored. And I can't imagine ever playing Modern. Far, far, far more cerebral than other card games. Possibly too cerebral. Too time consuming. If you're not just copying a deck.