Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Krisiloff Diet by Milton Krisiloff
You have to buy the book to find out what the diet is. I bought it for my dad as this is a diet to alleviate urology issues. The diet is:

Avoid all caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods.

That's it. But he won't just tell you that for free. You've got to buy his damm book. The rest of this thin book is anecdotal stories of people who got better when they followed the diet. He also calls it the anti-inflammation diet. I wonder if he means that in the same way that is used concerning histamine and omega 3's. I doubt he's got an answer. The man's understanding is a tad on the crude side. Seems like being a urologist would be somewhat of a cushy (although depressing) job. I had previously though there was a correlation between fatty, animal based foods and prostate issues. Still do, actually. Although avoiding caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods may be a good idea, this book is still a bit close to the simplistic magic pill mindset which medicine seems to have fallen to.