Sunday, June 29, 2014

This weekend:
Friday I stopped and got Qdoba on the way home for my pregnant wife. Then I went to 84 lumber to get supplies to fix the tubing for the hot water heater. Then to my parents to get tools, then back to 84 lumber to get the tools I couldn't find at parents. Then to Lowe's to get the supplies I should have got at 84 lumber but which was now closed. We stopped at Panera's and Starbucks while down there (big appetite Friday... think from the sit-ups.) A stranger hugged my wife in Panera because of Canadian paraphanelia (sp).

Then fixed water heater issue at tenant's place. Then watched Hannibal.

Saturday got up and ran 6 miles interval 2/1. Way out of shape 57.5 minutes. Ugh. Sore even. In abs from situps (but sleeping well) and calves. Trying to just run three days a week. Intervals at least twice. Third run either a race/hard tempo or a third interval session.

Then transplanted fig tree and put down weed control mat and mulch. Then bought kiddie pool at big lots. Also went to SayBoys for brekkie. Had home fries and a cinnabun. Took a nap (so tired... from run I guess.) And watched Hannibal. Then started filling up kiddie pool in garage (it's for the fish while I fix a leak). And put down weed control mat/mulch for the apple tree enclosure.

Then went to parents for dinner. Nephew kicked brother-in-law in the groin and he whined he needed to go to the emergency room. Had half a bottle of german wine. So-so. Grilled black bean burgers as everyone else ate a bunch of meat. Sat and talked for quite a while. Came home pretty late...

Sunday, finished editing NRC proposal. Finished filling up kiddie pool. Bought pond supplies online. Wife did her extreme couponing. Visited wife's parents. Tried to go to the garden center but it was closed. Really need to replace some evergreens the deer have destroyed by the pond. Actually wrote a bit of music... Not much. Played cello a tiny bit for first time in over a month (two surgeries set me back). Just can't get cello to go with anything else. Double stops maybe a little better... Lost my favorite Reaper color theme that I've been using the last 5 years. Oh well. Siphoned some water out of kiddie pool into the pond. Watched Hannibal. Wrote a bit. Barely even to 1000 words but it's written as if I was actually trying to get it published. That's new.

And finally cut my hair at home with a number 6 (with some help from wife). Getting really thin up there.

That's mostly it. Some reading. Some internet surfing. Feel like it was a wasted weekend. Keep on meaning to use my telescope. But was cloudy today. And I guess just barely too cloudy Saturday. Next week is a three day weekend. Maybe camping?

Also not sure when exactly.. but finished Theft of Swords by Michael Sullivan. It was a serviceable book. My kind of thing. Characters were a tad light, as was the world. But fantasy fiction with badass heroes. Nice to get back to that. Now somewhat plodding through a book about Bach's Cello Suites. I'll probably be needing more fantasy fiction before I'm finished with that.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

With music I aimed too low and produced a lot of quantity but not much quality. With writing I aimed too high and didn't produce anything. For so long I wondered what held me back as a writer. I think now, that this simple thing was probably the main issue all along. Trying to rectify that now. Possibly with both though far more concerned with the writing.

Kidney stone sickness really lasted about 26 days. Ends with my penis finally not hurting so bad when I get an erection, although still hurts a bit. After not running for three weeks, I'm very sore from trying to get back into it. Haven't had calf soreness in forever. Blah.

Decided to run just two days a week and then twice a week use an exercise bike and do some ab work. This because along with not liking how much time the running was taking, worried about getting kidney stones (dehydration). Hopefully the main thing is to avoid spinach. I had been eating a ton recently.

Still haven't gotten out of the habit of laying in bed. Excuse now is so sore from running. Hopefully soon I'll start spending 14, 15 hours a day vertical. Right now more like 12 maybe 13.

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Iron Heel by Jack London was a very depressing read. Also felt like a rough draft quite often. More so depressing because then I found out he probably died of kidney stones and I'm beyond two weeks with my latest kidney stone ordeal. I take the stent out tomorrow morning. Rather scared about that.

Nothing important to say about it though. One just lays around. Certainly don't feel very creative. Especially not when in pain. Watched movies lately when I could at least manage that, which is just more recently. Finally back to some fantasy fiction book.

Kind of unhappy with my minibrute synth. Attempted writing music lately. The fact that it hurts to sit makes it much harder. And.. meh. In general.

This world is a waste and therefore there's not much point in saying much. My eventual death isn't all that important. I wouldn't mind avoiding excruciating pain though. (So of course I have this reoccuring stone issue).

It's not a good situation but how could it be? At least I'm free.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The worst part of the kidney stone issue (worse than the excruciating pain I think) is all the time spent laying around, too much time to think. I usually try to stay really busy in order to main a philosophical myopia, to avoid the big picture of existence, not to mention that even on a smaller scale my life is a sad thing. I have few friends (there are few people whom I could even have had as friends). Well whatever, I'm lonely, unfulfilled. It would be good to move, though of course, it probably wouldn't do any good. A lot of work, a huge fight with wife, and it probably wouldn't do any good. It's too late to turn it around. The time has past, there is a certain time in one's life to do certain things and I missed that time. And so, I'm stuck in a sense I guess and will never go forward. There's some dying to do. Will try to hold that off, I guess, for a while. Be tough, for what it matters. Keep myself distracted.

Friday, June 6, 2014

On thursday I started eating fruit and that made a huge difference with kidney stone issue. Previously the percoset had turned my insides into concrete. Had made the mistake of trying to eat a grilled cheese sandwich on wednesday. Left me incredibly bloated. (My ultimate comfort food from my childhood.) (The only thing I could cook as a kid and no one else did much cooking.) (Stupid thing to try to eat but all the pain and pain meds has me not thinking too well and wife drops the ball occasionally.)

Thankfully have found that eating fruit and taking advil works wonders. I had been worried I wasn't going to make it between the severe pain and not being able to eat. Now less pain, and GI system is getting back to normal. Advil does far more for my pain than percoset. Far, far more. Not even to mention it doesn't turn my insides to concrete. Quite happy now that it looks I'm going to survive till my next surgery.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Kidney stone. Admitted twice. Excruciating. Failed surgery but the stent seems to have really helped. Have a kidney defect that makes stones far more likely. And scarring that has caused strictures so I can't easily pass stones.

So I won't be running the half marathon next weekend. And am maybe done with running. Too much sweating. Too hard to drink enough to make up for it. Kidney stones are pure hell.