Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Reading book one of Brent Weeks Prism series. I had read most of it many many years ago and hadn't liked it much. Because I liked Night Angel so much better. Too much explaining the magic system in the early going in Prism. Reminiscent of Sanderson. I prefer mystery around the magic system. But it can't be helped. So I wasn't into it before I guess. Anyway I then had Dazen and Gavin confused. Which is somewhat understandable but not really, if you are paying close enough attention to enjoy the book.

I always assume I was stupid in the past and suspect that was the case here, that I just wasn't capable of thinking well enough to follow the nuance. Maybe true. There are worse things then feeling like I'm still improving at 46.

This time around I'm really enjoying this series which hopefully the last book will be published this year. Haven't read fantasy this good in quite a while.

Just now it's clear Kip is also a Prism but Gaven is keeping it a secret as supposedly there can be only one at a time according to their religion.

In other news I have decided to possibly never have sex (in any form) ever again. Unless wife actually wants to. Hopefully this doesn't make me more likely to get prostate cancer. It's sort of like returning to my childhood. I like it a lot.

Have been riding an exercise bike at least 10 minutes most days. Got to a lob in doubles that other players thought was amazing.

Been trying to keep arm entirely straight on forehand and arm feels really good even whike using extender ripstick weighted to over 12 ounces. Which is great for a huge serve but not so great for my forehand and the forehand is more important. I will try switching back to prostaff.

Just hitting everything continental/australian. With the prostaff at least seems like that works fine. And i hate hitting western on the run.

Read all but the dying part of biography about Arthur Ashe. Great guy. Was very lucky in the people that were in his life as a kid. Living at a park with a tennis court in backyard. That guy who taught him from a young age. And Dr Robert Johnson who has since been put in the tennis hall of fame. Ashe was very smart, very good guy. But also really really lucky. Except for the heart attacks and AIDS of course.