Sunday, December 31, 2017

Watching movie versions of Poe stories. Our real live spells are our stories. They change moods. The words are recited and moods change across centuries. We can forever bring new feelings into the world.

I have discovered that for me the first key to writing is to do it first thing every morning.
1. This is when my brain has plenty of energy. Though I may not necessarily be doing my absolute best thinking I'm not mentally exhausted as is often the case after ten hours at work.
2. It must be a basically daily habit. That's impossible when trying to do it in the evenings or before bed. Too much else going on.

I couldn't write in the morning when younger though as I desperately needed to be asleep as late as possible in the early morning. Finally that has changed. Now I can at least attempt to get somewhere.

A further issue though, for now, is that the whole 500 or however many words a day is just not happening. I don't count words. That, like everything else other than writing, can be a form of procrastination anyway. Additionally there are days when I can work hard for an hour and write negative total words. Because I've just got a long way to go. I don't see the point in writing tens of thousands of words that will have to be very severely edited. Like with composing. I have to make mistakes and correct them then. Know as soon as possible what I did wrong and correct it then. No writing an entire first draft and then going back over it.

And the characters become, the plot becomes with the writing of scenes, one hopefully publishable sentence at a time.

It's a way of writing that best avoids all forms of procrastination. No spending weeks or more making a magic system, building a world and characters. Have to jump in, it all has to happen kind of together and this is how that happens.

Monday, December 4, 2017

The wrong person is someone that causes you harm. Harm can be physical or mental.
Physical harm is generally transmitted diseases thanks largely to having sex with someone you just met.

Mental harm starts with really "loving" someone primarily for their looks and other things that have nothing to do with whether or not they are actually a good person. It is interesting what being physically beautiful generally means. Though taste will vary a little, being "beautiful" generally means having the most average facial features. A nose that's not too long, not too short, not too wide, not too narrow. A jaw that's not too long, not too wide, etc. Chin that protrudes just the most average amount. Eyes set not too far apart, not too narrow. Nothing protruding too much or too little. Everything perfectly average.

You can take video games such as Dragon Age: Origins or SkyRim and probably many others and choose a character and change the shape of their face in this way and watch beautiful turn into not so beautiful. What is interesting is that we seem to more or less desire what is basically an average face. We don't really find it beautiful when features stray to the edge of what humans look like. On a subconscious level we want normal. We want conformity. We do additionally generally want good health which is indicated by nice smooth skin, not too thin or too fat, etc. But this subconscious conformity plays a large role and is that really want you want to be the primary reason you choose to be with someone? Because you subconsciously desired conformity or averageness?

You should instead find someone based on the following requirements:

A. It's important to make sure you are with someone who shows some ability to understand people. They need to show some rudimentary ability to understand what is going on in other's mind which correctly explains their actions. When they don't understand, people will often jump to thinking negative things. Super important to see if they do this. While they may be currently treating you really good, do they think very little of tons of other people? It's possible they have had bad friends and bad relatives or even been in terrible work environments and be justified in saying bad things about them. But when someone does something not nice, do they ever show any understanding or just immediately condemn them? Do they ever do anything other than condemn people? Is everyone around them always described as lazy or manipulative?

B.It's important to be with someone who wants other people around them to be happy because they understand that other people being happy should mean they will also be happy. People instead just "do the right thing". That isn't as good. It becomes then that they are focusing on pride in theirself instead of actually successfully making the other person happy. "Doing the right thing" is a bit unthinking. I could go on quite a bit about the distinction. "Doing the right thing" is better than nothing and may have to suffice though it's not quite ideal. They are endless people of course who just flat out don't care about others, who are only nice when they can clearly see how they can get something out of it, which sounds a it like the first reason to be nice. And it sort of is. The difference being forever versus the very short term.

C. It's important to be with someone who understands that they have a subconscious which plays an important role in their actions. Understands that sometimes they may do things that aren't so nice because of negative things they are thinking subconsciously. They need to be open to introspection. Basically they need to be openminded. If instead they are generally closeminded to the possibility that their behavior is wrong in any way, they will probably eventually be a miserable person to have anything to do with because we all think ugly, unfair, unwarranted things on a subconscious level to some extent. Some of us can face it and correct our behavior. Some people spend their lives unaware of the concept of a subconscious and they will feel and act upon subconscious jealousy, subconscious racism and so on. They will treat you terribly while convincing themselves you've earned it for some other reason. Sometimes they will wonder if they might be happier with someone else and will resent you simply for stopping them from finding out because they're with you instead. And they not just simply leave you or divorce you. Because they understand that would mean they are a bad person. They will instead start looking and looking for things about you they don't like, reasons to treat you badly. And eventually they'll find a reason they think is justifiable to get rid of you, other than the actual reason. And it may take a long time. You may be miserable for years. Who knows? It's not like they are rationally planning it. They have no idea what is going on in their own head. They are closeminded. They are not introspective. They have never even seriously thought about the existence of the subconscious.

Odds and Ends about Relationships
If a women says she's dumping you, you probably should ask why. If she just dumps you without saying anything, there is something wrong with her. You should ask why. But understand that you will probably get a crap answer or she'll lie or she will refuse to even give an answer. She may not even know why she is dumping you. She may have some subconscious issue. If she could honestly say she doesn't know why, that would be great. But that's unlikely. More likely she'll search for a reason and make up something bizarre. Something untrue. Something unfair. Something just flat out stupid. Understand, when she gives a reason, it probably isn't the actual reason. She may not actually have any idea why. Or she may really not want to tell you the actual reason. Maybe she just doesn't like your particular penis?

Again, despite all this, you should still ask. But though you ask, she may not want to give a reason because she's made up her mind already (without ever bothering to tell you anything is wrong) and she thinks if she tells you why you will think there is still a chance, thus she doesn't want to tell you because she doesn't want you to even think there is any chance. Or she doesn't want to tell you because she is afraid of ever telling any man that there is something she doesn't like about them. She may not admit this to herself but it may be that she just can't handle any kind of disagreement at all because in her mind it immediately means fighting and she is afraid to fight with a man.

Still, you should ask. Because it could be a miscommunication. A mistake. Like her friend who is jealous of you two being together makes up a lie about you. Of course if she's happy to dump you based off that without even making sure it's actually true by actually speaking to you, again, maybe you asking is a bit pointless anyway.

Still, you should ask. Just expect the answer to be crap.

Now, the above all assumes you're a good person. If on the other hand, you have been doing crappy things to her for a while, she's told you and you keep on doing them, then I guess you already know why. In which case the above is not applicable.

There are two kinds of exercise: anaerobic and aerobic. If it's a whole body exercise, it's aerobic if you don't breath hard, more or less. If it's not--and this means anything from a bicep curl to riding a bike--it's aerobic if it feels totally comfortable.

Anaerobic exercise results in quick improvements for a month or so and then you stop improving. Additionally you can easily become overtrained. Overtraining can mean insomnia, lack of appetite and just in general feeling very tired. If it's running or basically something where you're nowhere total muscle failure but just breathing really hard, you can go anaerobic repeatedly for repetitions of 2 minutes or less and do so many times per week. Roger Bannister for example did 1 minute intervals 5 times a week in becoming the first to run a 4 minute mile. Anaerobic running for 5 minutes or more really does a number on the body. It should only be done once a week. If you do more you will become overtrained. Maybe not immediately but definitely eventually.

If it's weights where one is coming close to muscle failure, overtraining is a bit more likely.

The important thing to understand for all these types of anaerobic exercise is that you will plateau within a month or so. Watch guys doing pullups at a gym. If they have a relatively thin waist they can do 10 to 20 usually. Occasionally a few more. Whether they've been exercising a few months or 50 years, that's usually it.

On the other hand you can do tons of aerobic exercise without overtraining. Hours and hours everyday. And it generally doesn't result in the sudden improvement you get in the beginning from anaerobic exercise but it is claimed that if you do a lot you can continue to improve for years and years unlike with anaerobic. Arthur Lydiard and others wrote about this. He said don't even bother with anaerobic exercise until a month or so before your big target race. Until then just do tons of easy running to build a "base". Aerobic exercise can potentially be very useful in that it helps you handle anaerobic exercise better. It depends on the sport but I would say generally that a serious exercise routine is about successfully combining anaerobic with aerobic.

Tennis, against a good player, can be very anaerobic. Supplementing it with mostly aerobic exercise can really help with endurance. The problem with using running as aerobic exercise though is that most people have to go so slow that the range of motion doesn't have good crossover to tennis. Biking is better provided you do it while standing. If you aren't standing, it's even worse. Better yet is an elliptical machine.

You can additionally do something anaerobic to help with your speed on the tennis court but I would be careful not to overdo it. Some sprinting and/or jumping drills once a week is probably plenty. You may be able to handle much more but you will get 95% of the benefit from doing it just once a week anyway.

The ultimate exercise:
Tennis. It only takes one other person. You can play it at a high level from age 10 or so to 80 or so. It is a combination of speed, quickness, strength, intelligence and endurance. You can make up for a lack of one with an abundance of another. You can be tall and have a great serve. You can be short and cover the court fast. Being strong enough to handle a very heavy racquet helps. But you can still play well with a very light racquet.

Use an australian grip for your forehand drive/slice and backhand slice. Add in a backhand drive which is either one handed or two handed or maybe even both. Perhaps even hit the return of serve two handed on both sides and then otherwise play one handed. Serves, overheads and volleys can be hit with either a continental grip (the norm) or possibly an australian grip. The australian grip will give more speed but make spin a bit harder. Western grips are a mistake for the forehand. They lead to pulling away from the ball and you can get plenty of topspin just with an australian grip. It does take strength. Using a weighted racquet some evenings before bed can help you develop that strength.

Most diseases are the result of eating the wrong foods. Unfortunately most doctors will instead just prescribe pills without telling you this.

Headaches are triggered primarily by what you eat. But it isn't necessarily what you just ate, it can be an accumulation of headache causing foods over weeks or possibly months. There was a book called Heal Your Headache that eventually gets around to listing the foods.

Insomnia is probably most often the result of inadequate nutrition. Eating junk day after day. Year after year may eventually result in insomnia. (As will too much anaerobic exercise, caffeine and just general stress.) Foods that really help are broccoli, pineapple, fruit in general and staying well hydrated. On a side note, mankind used chamber pots for most of its recorded history. There is a lot to be said for just rolling over, pulling out your penis and peeing in a chamber pot instead of having to get out of bed to go pee in another room. Again, for thousands of years, that's how men at least actually went to the bathroom at night. By using a chamber pot. If you don't, you may eventually stop adequately hydrating yourself in the evening because you don't want to get out of bed to go use the bathroom. If you don't adequately hydrate yourself, you can get all kinds of problems, including kidney stones, bladder stones, renal disease, etc.

There is probably no reason for anyone to ever die of an ischemic stroke or myocardial infarction. A no oil vegan diet as described by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn should completely prevent this. Slightly different variations are described by Dr. McDougall and Dr. Fuhrman, etc. Such diets also decrease the likelihood of cancer and diabetes, both type 1 and 2, and many other diseases. Such a diet is also far more sustainable for the planet. Such a diet also makes you less likely to catch colds and flus. Such a diet also means you're not contributing to the massive slaughter of helpless animals.

Looks up Manufacturing Consent by Herman and Chomsky on wikipedia. The mainstream media isn't free. It costs billions. We can't even remotely claim to live in a democracy when such is the case. The media is biased towards the interests of the extremely rich. They want lower taxes. No tariffs. No worker regulations. They want a small government because they want to be the power in this world, not a government. In other words the media bias is a rightwing bias. The so called left (democrat) is on the right while what would be the actual left, has been censored just about out of existence.

It all comes down to the degree to which you are concerned with yourself versus the degree to which you put your concern for others before yourself. Everyone has to be concerned with themselves. You need food, shelter, clothing, sleep. You can't completely forget about yourself. You can't be completely selfless. That just means you will soon be dead. That's not workable. On the other hand if you're completely perfectly selfish, that means you're a sort of monster.

Therefore ethics/morals is always a matter of degree. To what degree do you think about others instead of just thinking about yourself.

I feel that there is a kind of evil in this world today. In other words a kind of person who is very selfish that is a sort of organized movement. I see this primarily in the Southeast of the United States. They used to keep people as slaves there. When they did this, they convinced themselves they weren't doing anything wrong because they weren't people. Therefore it was OK to do anything to them. And/or they were better off being owned. That they were too stupid to survive on their own. Meanwhile they would kill the ones that showed any intelligence. Because those ones were dangerous.

So they went so far as to fight a war in order to continue keeping people as slaves. They literally managed to get themselves so worked up over it, they were willing to die to continue doing such an evil thing. Thankfully they lost that war. Of course they continued to treat the former slaves however horrible they could get away with. A hundred years later they still treated them terrible. And they even erected endless statues to their generals from their treasonous war and declared them heroes. And they convinced themselves that slavery would have just gradually disappeared and the war wasn't even about that. And so it goes. They can't admit to any wrongdoing. They can't even admit that something their ancestors did 150 years ago was wrong, let alone that they could do anything wrong.

Because their side is always less educated, they have convinced themselves that intelligence is at best a worthless quality and often even a negative; that it somehow equals arrogance. Which isn't remotely to say that they are in anyway humble. Pseudohumble perhaps. Like their country music singers who are always proclaiming how humble they are. But not in the sense of thinking they have any faults or might actually be wrong about anything.

Their minds are like rollercoasters. The thoughts careen this way and that, following no overriding logic. It's all just random handwaving to justify whatever it is they happen to want to do and believe at that moment. You say racism. They yell, "Oh pulling out the race card!" And that's it. They think they've successfully refuted your point.

They are incapable of anything productive happening in a disagreement. They instead immediately start shouting. The end result being that everywhere people are increasingly afraid to point out any disagreement. In a civilized society you should be able to disagree. Disagreement shouldn't automatically equal arguing and hurling insults at each other. In a civilized society it would be understood that of course we're going to disagree all the time and it would be ridiculous to just keep it a secret from one another. We should instead honestly voice our thoughts and come to some kind of resolution, or compromise, or one of the two parties should simply realize that they're wrong.

And that is just about gone today. Instead you keep your mouth shut when you disagree, unless you know the person super well and you are really sure they're not part of this distressing evil movement.

And they're winning. How? They have more children. They impart their genetics and this same way of thinking to their children. Both matter. Identical twin studies make clear that genetics really do matter a lot. They are having more children. It's not a trend that is slowing down. I don't see any indication that it will slow down anytime soon. So it's just going to get worse. Until society collapses and reproduction trends greatly change, it's just going to get worse.

This means that it's going to be very hard to be an intelligent person in the future. It's going to be very very important for intelligent people to realize that they are way smarter than most other people. Because realizing this will mean that the golden rule is actually quite complicated. Treating someone else the way you would want to be treated doesn't necessarily work when that other person is willfully ignorant and violent. You must realize that most people very much want to remain ignorant. They don't want your honesty.

Furthermore, many people are going to hate you simply because they will realize you are smarter than them. They will feel inferior and they will do whatever they can to pull you down. You will have to be very careful around these people. First and foremost you should try to avoid them as much as possible. But completely avoiding them probably won't be possible. So bluntly put, you must act kind of stupid around them. And try to be friendly. And avoid disagreeing with them about anything.

Incidentally the reason some people love guns so much, is because they feel very inferior. A part of their mind, probably subconscious, is fixated on feelings of inferiority. Mental and/or physical. In some way they feel inferior and guns are the great equalizer. Barely move one finger and all is changed. And the more they know about guns, the more they own, the more they feel they have somehow made up for their inadequacies. Rightwingers are not very smart. On some level they know it. Though they have tried to convince themselves that intelligence isn't actually a good quality anyway, a part of them still knows otherwise. And so, just about every gun nut is a rightwinger.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

No really this time I did figure it out. The australian grip. That's the key. Like Steffi Graf.

Watched Smoke Signals the movie and cried because of the whole father abandoning son like was done to me. Also very sick today.

Blocked oldest "friend" today for saying something so unbelievably vile to me I would have punched him in the face if it wasn't online. Can't even write it. Instead will say it was similar to how he mocks his younger brother who clearly has some kind of I guess undiagnosed mental illness. Hasn't had a job in decades and he says he's just lazy. Very adversarial relationship and I think he can't admit there is something wrong because of his vile brother. He was the only one there for me to play with as a kid. And my morals dictate I can't drop people. But probably an IQ or 90. Never read a book. Gay basher. Etc. Has no ability to understand and show empathy for others.

He is the person who could have made such a difference in his younger brother's life. Instead he's been a total asshole to him. The brother is 40. Has no friends. Lives with parents. Hasn't had a job in 20 years. And he just mocks him and calls him lazy. He isn't on drugs which would usually be the case. He just really has something wrong. His older brother has been a relative success in comparison. He could have helped him. Instead total asshole. And of course the younger brother now hates him with a passion. Wouldn't be surprised if they ended up killing each other.

Why was I nice to this guy for 40 years? Because I pitied him. He is pitiful. Physically pitiful. Mentally pitiful.

This was a problem in my life. My pity. Pity is no basis for a friendship. But I'm not someone who drops people.

My parents should have simply done something when I was little. Actively helped me find people to be friends with and steered me away from this only person my age within walking distance. But of course there is so much they should have done. Unfortunately they are stupid. They basically fed me and gave me a place to sleep and I was otherwise left to either figure everything else out or not.

And that's just not possible. No one can figure it all out. Children need adult figures who have a bit of wisdom and try to teach them. I was surrounded by idiots.

It won't be turned around in this life for me. I do need to move. But even if I do, to somewhere with intelligent people I probably won't make friends with anyone. I have a few friends here who are at least nice. But for my son's sake we need to move soon though. He is my time machine. I can't do anything about my life but I can give him a real chance.