Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I ran 4 miles in 29:11 maybe a month ago. More impressed with 5 miles in 37:00. And ran from Fairmont to Morgantown (20 miles) 2 Sundays in a row. Then I felt the very beginning of plantar fachitis(sp). Now two weeks of just a bit of exercise bike. Feeling slobby, but having more time is really nice.
Really wanted to write some meaningless random synth music. But need to replace the battery and haven't been able to find the battery yet.
Went to opera (Don Giovanni) with wife and S. Not much of an opera. Otherwise was fun.
Went to dinner the night of the election with wife, D and her current boyfriend. Was good to see her again. Very good. I drank 4 glasses of wine and triggered a slight migraine. I guess I can never again drink that much. Week before had a 2.5 bottles at pumpkin carving party at S's house and had awful migraine next day.
Obama won. It's a good day. Dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Would have been an awful thing to take away healthcare from all those people.
Seriously lacking cello motivation.
Today sick. Not migraine sick. Just flu like? First in a long, long time.
Almost done with Stephen Kind's 7 book Dark Tower series. I'm really unimpressed. King does not use an outline. It shows. I shouldn't have bothered probably reading this loooong series. Has coloured my life in a somewhat drab way.
Spent 28k in beginning IVF on Monday. Stepfather is donating a good portion though. J is in good mood. She says because she has hope. She really had no hope for a long time.
S is always saying everyone thinks she's a lesbian. This most recent time I told her via facebook a few days later I didn't think she was a lesbian. Not so sure she took it very positive. She thought it weird I brought it up a few days later. Why is that weird??? It shows I think about her even when I haven't seen her for days....???