Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A key to happiness for me is a feeling of security (as opposed to hope) is that I'm motivated by positive reinforcement, not negative. In a capitalist society the negative usually wins out for me. The possibility of ending up homeless is of more interest to keep on the edge of my consciousness then whatever positive capitalism offers. So then something that works at least for me is thinking that if I won the lottery I'd want to keep my current job.... Maybe not something to look at too closely. (Because maybe I could find some better way to improve this world than in my current job...) But as a nurse I certainly can do more than most. So, I like to think as if I've won the lottery and yet, by choice, off to work I still go. This pretty effectively negates most negative reinforcement. Gets rid of the stressful nature that perhaps plagues me more than usual. Of course few people can say in any sense though that they'd continue their job even if they won the lottery/got many millions somehow, so this is of little use to most, except that they may want to try to find a job for which it is true of.