Thursday, March 31, 2011

Black Sun Rising by C.S. Friedman
Not enough depth to the setting. Has a strange part that reads suddenly like a harlequin romance which made me realize that it was written by a woman. Not quite the right sort of feeling of mystery, too much magic explanation. Laborious explanation of uninteresting plot stuff at times.

Characters are a bit light also.

No real ace hidden up the sleeve.

There is injustice but not one easily related to. (An adept who's has lost her magic.) And it's in third person. Think maybe it needs to be in first person for maximum injustice effect.

A lack of decadence.

Finally I kept expecting a better explanation for Gerald Tarrant killing his family. Apparently there isn't one, which makes his character not realistic.
Meh. Won't read Friedman again.

I had come across her from this list:
Was already familar with the top ten. Friedman was 11. Don't agree with his critiques or his rankings. But he at least has Hobb in the top ten.

Maybe try J.V. Jones next. (If the first name is initialized does that always mean it was written by a woman by the way?)