Same trail as last time but just in one direction and hit this really beautiful spot where I was in a valley and the trail was almost a perfect line going down the middle of it, perfectly flat and I could follow the line of the trail almost a mile off into the distance. Other than the trail, no signs of life in any direction.
Felt very fast today. Almost felt like I was sprinting, not briskly jogging, at times. Just a 2/2 for 100 minutes. Worry my right hip will start bothering me and I'll have to slow down but so far, feeling good. Making sure to put flax meal in legume stews.
I guess this run was around ten miles. Didn't really even touch me though. Might have to go a lot farther next time. Listening to Beethoven's 9th, 7th, 3rd.
Also at home been listening to the 5th and 8th. Beethoven said people liked his 7th so much more than the 8th basically because people are stupid. Well, I like the 7th the best of all of them. Although the ode to joy of the 9th is really good. Typical preferences.
CNRN exam tomorrow. Will be glad to get that over with.
I think the headache was actually caused by bad cashews (7 months past expiration date and wife says they tasted a bit funny). Food was having a metallic taste, along with the headache for two days. With that taste going away I went on a bit of a bender and had 4 beers while I was practicing cello. That's a fun way to practice. Probably not a good idea though... According to definitions I'm close to being a heavy drinker now. A single beer is like nothing. 'Slurp' Gone.
Would like to drink a lower ALC. Like 1 or 2% and drink a lot more. And just perhaps stay better hydrated that way. Kvass sounded very good. But I would have to make my own probably. Is a place near Pittsburgh that uses a tenth century Russian recipe. I love the idea of feeling like I'm living in the middle ages. But it's an unreliable a nano-brewery. The only one in the US making kvass...
Beethoven is way too modern to support that middle ages feel. Have to expand. Arvo Part is pretty good....
Why do I like feeling like I'm in the middle ages? Why do I want my stories to have that sort of setting? I dunno. Think because I want a pretechnology time. The far past. Yet no all the way to cavemen. That's all really. And then.... I thought the other day it's like a sort of suicide. Like I'm putting myself back in time with all the other dead people. And/or a preparation for the reality of my oncoming death.
I don't know. I don't have the feeling quite right at the moment. Have an exam. Thank god no more regular school.
But perhaps something like reconciling myself to the fact they're all completely gone with practically no trace at all even of their existence? No, not really.
Like I want their lives to not feel so futile. Not quite so completely dead and forgotten? Maybe that's part of it....