Finished The Black Prism by Brent Weeks.
Negatives are:
1. that the main heroes are too standardized.
2. heroes didn't do anything particular other than be born to gain their special powers. Being awesome comes a bit too easily. No suffering or hard work to get their.
3. World is a bit too thin. Lacks sufficient depth. Scott Bakker's book comes to mind as having more depth. And Robin Hobb. And George Martin. Simply is less description of setting. And less background I guess.
4. The magic system isn't so great. And is over explained. Lacks mystery/religion feel.
1. Did like the Gavin vs Dazen thing. A slight edge of meaningful social depth. Barely. The real Dazen has suffered quite a bit of injustice I guess in life, although it has nothing to do with how he gained his powers.
2. I did really get into it. I was "moved" as I was reading it.
What could have given more depth?
1. Simply describing settings more I guess. A whole bunch of lingo for trees and hills, etc.
2. Describing food eaten.
3. Describing different cultural traits as we go from city to city.
4. Giving more detail to the religion??? It does have detail but the heroes are atheists. And we don't really spend any time with any true believers. As Hobb says a fantasy without religion is ...(something negative.) Personally I think religion is created to counter suffering. Without religion, we've got a world without suffering. Without suffering, people in general don't really have depth to them.