The High House in the Mist by Lovecraft
If only he'd spend more time in the present. If only there were more dialogue.
Why didn't he? Here and there he did it a bit. Why not more often? Length issues? I've no idea.
This story has such a beautiful moment when Olney is hiding by a window outside the house as the person inside slowly goes around opening all the windows. A moment of trepidation... And then suddenly we jump to extreme vagueness and past tense. So it is with Lovecraft over and over.
Yet still, in his way, he did have such strong visions, that perhaps are just lost to us now. The world has changed in a way that, it's not that no one would now write like that, it's that no one at all thinks like that. No one wanders the night dreaming of the sorts of things Lovecraft dreamt of.
Superior to The Mists of Avalon. But he doesn't write actual stories.