Monday, February 25, 2013

This creature that likes to cheer people up. Strangely finds moppy so attractive and interesting, (within reason). What of happy people? Oh that's OK. What of a moppy person that it successfully makes happy.
More trustworthy than a dog. Maybe it is a dog.
A cigar floating in space.
I meant to do that!
Did you do it on purpose?
I'm not sure. What does that word mean?

You walk into the party and you find whoever is sitting alone because they're shy or whatever. And you go start up a conversation with that person, with no concern personal concerns. No worries about what would make you personally happy. Except that you couldn't have fun if one person there clearly wasn't.
You spend your life like this, unrecognized and eventually thrown away like a chunk of rotting meat. The beautiful dreams in your head never understood. Never possible because the morlocks don't want paradise, they want cheeseburgers and reality TV.

Physically feel really good today. Unusually good. Think the 150's HR is hard enough that the endorphin production goes up without being so hard that it gets overridden by exhaustion.