Tuesday, February 5, 2013

So I ran for two hours sat, sun, mon then 1 hour today. This with the HRM. On sat at 140 or lower. Since then at 150 or lower, as my MHR is 200 as opposed to the average of 180 for my age. So far seems I've only gotten worse. On mon ended all the way down at 3.8mph. Today only did an hour and right at the end had to slow down to 4.6, which is worse than I was doing a week ago, although still did 4.9 miles in a hour. So, OK, shall do this for a month at the very very least. Probably longer. Ultimately all that mileage has got to do something, right? Right?

Under 150 is so easy I could run for two hours everyday, if I wasn't married.

Certainly a great way to kill time. At 6'5", despite being near vegan, I'm surely halfway to nowhere, and the last two years have certainly gone by much more smoothly.

Supposedly in shape people can run at their "aerobic heart rate" only slightly slower than when going all out. Perhaps being a much larger guy makes my aerobic heart rate speed so ridiculously slow. Hopefully things will improve. We'll see. Me and my relatively harmless and undemanding imaginary eyes.