Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Religion is about purposely being illogical because the alternative (if you think about it) is too awful. Atheism is about not actually thinking about the alternative. Which is that you're going to cease to exist and therefore everything you do is futile; a truth that one can't actually face and go on living. All "atheists" are actually quite mystical in their thinking, on a subconscious level, just the same as theists.

Life is a predicament. There is no way to exist that isn't illogical. The thing to do is minimize the illogic. So what is more illogical: ignoring the futility of existence, or making up a fairytale so that life isn't futile?

Is ignoring things and stuffing your mysticism solely down into your subconscious less illogical than making stuff up?

The goal is to be happy without harming others. Organized religion has caused a lot of harm. But atheism can lead to nihilism. Seems the key to being "atheist" and not depressed is staying "reactionary", always remembering those theists and how you're better than them, instead of actually really thinking about how futile and basically horrific things actually are. Thinking instead about how strong you are and able to face the truth unlike those weak theists. IOW, just thinking about you versus them as opposed to just ignoring them and actually really thinking about all the suffering, the banality, the absurdity and utter pointlessness of your fleeting existence.