Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Just a piece of meat. Practically not even really here. Soon enough won't be. Miss my wife. She is so good at keeping me preoccupied.

Such unspeakable things happened long ago, that I think it left me desiring closer connections than.... I don't know.... I have anyway. I have my wife. I want more.

Had this story idea of person like in a concentration camp or something torturous who somehow develops some strange possibly pyschic connections with someone else. And possibly the other person is in a similar situation. Or is just thoughtful enough to want such a connection? Does anyone else desire such close connections?

Perhaps that lady from Orkney did in a sort of way. Maybe. I don't know. Too bad about all those drugs.

In the story it is like telepathy, perhaps just late at night, for some small time period, or I don't know, while on the edge of sleep.

Closer connections than perhaps anyone has. Women are closer to one another. It's their specialization to stop the tribe from disintegrating. So they yammer on and on about this and that. I don't think they do exactly what it is I want. (And I want it less than I did. Gradually less, with some waxing and waning. Waxing at the moment.) They talk about useless stuff far too much. Instead of the "big stuff" going on about some long story with all kinds of minutae(sp) of detail that just doesn't matter.

Still. Still it can be nice, to listen to them yammer on. Just listen to the pretty sounds, while only barely paying attention. My office mate going on and on about paying taxes for example. I enjoy her very much. Feel very very lucky to share an office with her.


Got my fig tree and grapevines. Put fig tree by metal halide light. Put vines outside, dug in temporarily. Won't be surprised if they die. Then I'll just buy more.


Maffetone is wrong in that you can't ignore variations in max heart rate. My MHR is 20 beats higher than aaverage for my age. Not only is his target of 130's too low. I'm pretty damm sure 140's is too low for me. And just look at him. Thick through the middle. Doesn't even look like he exercises. His example of a successful athlete is an ultra runner. Perhaps if running far beyond 100 mpw, combined with having a typical MHR, while not needing any speed for your competitions, than his ideas work OK. But otherwise no.

At 130's I was running well under 5mph. At 140's I was 5.4 to 5.0 usually. In the 150's I'm 6.3 for the first 30 minutes.


I'm lonely. But there's no one out there. They don't exist. It's the last instant of "mankind". Soon though it will be spring.


Grave of the Fireflies was not as good as The Plague Dogs. Nowhere near as depressing. Kind of sentimental IMO. And meh, just not all that. But still good.