Thursday, September 29, 2011

If you have enough different hobbies/chores, you can procrastinate by doing one instead of another.

So this first year in the raised bed enclosed garden, we planted very late. And tried:
broccoli-caterpillars, etc seem to love it

peas-I think they needed to be staked like tomatoes??

beans-loved the vining but strings were no good

cucumbers-I think planted too late, not enough sun lately, except for not fruiting, grew like crazy though, spread out and took up too much space actually

carrots-not quite ready yet, looking good though, I think

peppers-ok, far from prolific though

also some sunflowers, and hydrangas.

Next year want to do onions, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, a few mammoth sunflowers and finally green beans provided vining nonstring green beans exist. Maybe carrots again. Maybe some beans??

Cucumbers seem to take up too much room and I don't really like the taste anyway. Broccoli is a pain because of the pests. Peas seem like they'd be a ton of work relative to results.