Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ran a 2/1 for 6 in 55:31 on Monday. Very enjoyable run. Had a couple of relaxed, happy, short interactions along the way. One with my piano teacher 20+ years ago. Another with an oriental family. As they were relaxed and happy interactions, they were a bit surreal.

Ran a 4/1 for 6 in 55:43 on Wednesday. Unexpectedly slow. Really prefer a 2/1. But also I moved a ton of stuff at my dad's hoarderish office on Tuesday which may have taken it out of me a bit. OTOH, had so much energy with which to clean out dad's office though in part because of all this running. After this run I moved another ton of stuff on Wednesday; bricks for my enclosed raised bed garden. Very, very tired. Cello playing suffering.