Did my tuesday hard run 2 miles in 14:44. 20 seconds faster than last week though felt very sluggish. Also think the steep downhill off bell is bad for my right knee. Won't do it in the future. Today put the treadmill on 0% incline and did 3 miles in 30:40 at maffetone. Then 4% incline and went 12.7/13.0 for almost 30 minutes. Finished with 20 minutes on ellipitical at 9 resistance level and about 41 RPMs. Felt really good afterward. Could have gone twice as long easily, if I had that kind of time.
Adopted brother left today. Was good to see him. Very good guy. So easygoing. Loves to cook and really cooked some good food. Cooked green beans, carrots, leeks and jalapenos from my garden. I never knew green beans that were still a little crunchy could taste so good. Met his 11 and 8 year old son. They both also seemed quite good as was his wife. Nothing amazing but all quite nice.
In a way I feel like brother is too good for this world. It's almost as if we have something in common despite being unrelated and really quite different in most respects.