Friday, December 27, 2013

Recent books:
Satyricon, author not known for certain. One of the oldest books ever, written around 100AD.
Never knew the movie was based on a book. I'm not impressed with the book. It is interesting considering how much of the population was enslaved, that such an empty titillation was so popular. Loved the movie though.

The Steel Remains by Richard Morgan
Damm if maybe I'm a little offput by the one hero being a very slutty gay guy. Actually the heterosexual guy is also slutty. Don't like it much with either. Wonder if the gay guy bothers me more so. Why do gay writers put so much damm sex in their books? I mean it's fantasy fiction. All that sex takes away from the escapism... Otherwise pretty decent. Don't know that I'll successfully finish though... Two guys good at fighting. Others have magic. ... The usual formula I guess.

Shadow's Son by Jon Sprunk
Meh. THe heroes have much more magic. That seems to coincide with a book that just isn't as good. Very little worth saying here. Somehow something very important is missing here. Beating incredible odds? A lot of suffering? Better character development? Better description of the world? All of the above?

Post Office and Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski
Good stuff. Has inspired me to write (bad) poetry and give hard liquor another try. Ham on Rye is better than Catcher in the Rye. Although now I hear some John Fante book is even better yet. Oh well. Bukowski. A very smart guy who felt ostracized because of his boils. Also beaten up weekly by his father. In a sense I can relate.

I'm surprised I've read so few books about how miserable the usual 40 hour a week job is.