Sunday, September 29, 2013

Crashed yet again on weekly time trial. Also I notice I'm increasingly just laying around. Hardly played the cello in the last month. Some garden work (that doesn't really need done till spring) has just sat for a few months. Lots of anerobic activity makes me want to lay around. And my 3 mile PR is still from 18 months ago when my training was just two runs a week, although very long. So I'm going back to just running twice a week I guess. Today did 10 miles in 90 minutes. Hopefully will improve on that and at least be ready to run half marathons whenever.

Really watching a lot of football lately. Oh well. Summarizing the plot of the Farseer Trilogy. At one point Fitz gets caught, escapes, gets caught again, like three times in a row. Ridiculous. Most things when they're taken apart eventually don't look like much. And it seems when putting them together it's probably much the same in the beginning.