Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Survival and discovery for short stories.

Reading and liking Black Gate 15. I suppose that's it more or less, what I want to write. Some silly story about some slave who is the chosen one or whatever. Now at the moment, fear of failure holds me back. Procrastinating. But it really seems an easy thing. Before it wasn't. Look back amazed at how stupid I was, and probably still am. Or am I? I don't know. I do have all these college degrees and hold down a decent job.

Oh turned the music off, as it was an annoyingly bad song. But now that it's off, I miss it. Once again, I gasp in amazement at this musical (slacker) (poor) genius.

All time high on Mrs. Pacman the other day. Play it maybe twice a year at local burrito place. The energizers had no affect on the ghosts! And there I am only feeling clunky and slow. Can see doing so much better. Strangely enough. Why? I don't know. Lots of FB songpop? Lots of broccoli? Lots of time on an elliptical???

Anyway feel the same about my past. Not sure if I'm misremembering or suddenly smarter. Not caring quite enough to think more about it.