Thursday, February 16, 2012

So in roughly November I did 2/2's for 12 miles twice a week and lasted a month before my right knee really started hurting. (And my back after laying down for 4 or so hours.) Ran slower for a couple months then over the last 3 or so weeks did 2:30/2:00's for 10 miles twice a week. Despite being a lot more carefuul, my right knee is again hurting. Far, far less than last time, but I can see where this is going. Also my back could feel better, same issue with it bothering me with sleep, although much less so.

Seems I need to slow down a bit more and what I'm hoping is that I just need to run more aerobically/less anerobically. Less torso twisting, less arm swinging. So today did a 4/2 for 10 miles in 92:58. There's this good feeling one can get from running, which doesn't start to kick in apparently until you've run for at least 4 minutes stretches. Felt it just a little for the first time in a long time.