Read the Sorcerer's House, The Fifth Head of Cereberus and Peace by Gene Wolfe. Looks like I'm working through all his books. Not sure I entirely approve of how he conceals things from the reader through his unreliable narrators. But I do love a lot that he does.
Peace I guess starts with the guy dying. Though you don't realize it. The rest is him as a ghost. I guess he killed this woman that he really liked. I think she pulled a gun on him concerning a non-existent treasure. And he ended up killing her. Except there really was a treasure I guess. Though that's far far from clear.
Fifth Head is very dark. Maddening how a few clues are thrown in. I guess the alien takes over his body. But I'm think the alien doesn't even know he has done so? Anyway they perhaps realize this? Or do they still think the aliens have gone extinct? I don't know.
Sorcerer's House was relatively light hearted by comparison. I'm not sure if Emlyn and (Yinyan) are a different set of twins of George and Bax when younger...???? No. Maybe an alternate reality. May have to look that one up.