Blackberry, blueberry, pear, and cherry seeds. All properly cooled in the refrigerator. Blackberry seeds soaked in vinegar for 4 hours previous. And all planted. One pear seed immediately sprouted. Nothing else yet. Will be annoyed if that's all I get.
Tomato sprouts seem to be dying/not thriving. Don't know why. Worry the light is too strong. Yet supposedly I'm supposed to be putting it closer to the sprouts than I am. I think not enough water getting down into the roots. Wife thinks I'm watering too much.
The 4 blueberry sprouts are growing so, so slowly. At this rate I'll have some blueberry bushes in 5 years. Only the lemon seeds came up nice. Although now, they don't seem to be growing anymore, just in stasis...
Dug up bamboo from a house up the road. Was very hard to do. Called a place in Alabama about ordering more as it's just too hard to dig up. They said it's too late to plant. Hoping it's just the suddeness of going from Alabama weather to WV weather. Hopefully these transplanted ones will do OK.