Monday, April 11, 2011

The Wise Man's Fear: The Kingkiller Chronicle: Day Two by Patrick Rothfuss
Much better than book one because now the hero has multiple aces up his sleeve. Almost descends into too much stress/negativity. The unusual idea of telling it as the hero is now a bitter, nihilistic inn keeper stops it from getting too negative in a way but then also does the opposite...

So he's got aces.

There is mystery. There's not so much endless tedious explanation of how magic works. There's plenty of mystery with the Chandrian and also how he ends up an inn keeper, etc.

Plenty of injustice. His family slaugheted. Great racism against his people. Plenty of injustice against him personally. Almost too much.

Decadence. Here the book is weakest. The setting is a little light. But not by much. Really good book.