Finishing up the ninth hour of HBO's John Adams with my wife. She's really into it. Much more so than me. We're both mostly familar with the history already. I could criticize my wife for watching Jersey Shore and Survivor, etc, yet still she is intelligent and into things the average person wouldn't be. Laying on the oval couch with the fire going. Been drinking hot chocolate. Still walk through the house not quite believing it's ours. It's really nice. Makes up for a lot in life. Material possessions can make a difference, which is something I've avoided believing most of my life, which shows a lack of nuaunce on my part, a reduction of things to absolutes unfortunately. Father-in-law gave us a big riding lawnmower which wife used today for the first time. She's looks kind of comical on it. She can be very cute. Kind of funny sitting there on a big John Deere. Cats very annoying lately, constantly wanting in and out. Need to install a cat door.
Song 129 makes me think of my music writing like playing more complex sudoku with something long term to show for it. And more and more I'm learning to just be receptive to my music, why bother listening trying to figure out all the ways it's not any good? No one else is listening for whom I need to bother doing such a thing. It's just me, I'm the only person to be entertained. I just make what I like and don't really worry.
A nice enough day, not particularly plagued by anything much. Feel pretty good. Finishing Scarlett Thomas' book. Not thinking about utopias or all that's wrong with this world.