Saturday, October 16, 2010

Finished 'The Too Far Future' / 'Lumpy Wheels'. It was a blog during an angry time. A time when my creativity was of the utmost importance I suppose without so much concern for appearances, for bothering to follow social norms just to not appear scary, etc. It's now I guess permanently closed to the public just to be considerate (was open primarily for the imaginary eyes creative effect) and I'm more than halfway through summarizing all the ideas from it, which is really taking a long time. This here blog, FWIW, will be quite different. Not so hellish and ranty and long winded and ... inconsiderate.

This will be pretty peaceful, and considerate. Yet not with my head in the sand. A primary goal now is to write fiction which utilizes the ideas of The Too Far Future. It's definitely not to just be forgotten. As to the old question of the immorality of happiness in dystopia, the thing is that it's enough to have spent time unhappy. One doesn't have to be permanently unhappy. In fact being permanently unhappy would almost certainly just ensure no one will ever listen to anything I say, (wrong though that is).

Also almost certainly it's all useless anyway, so one might as well be happy. Not that that's going to stop me from moving forward...

All kinds of contradications and complications made worse by forgetting and changing from day to day...

Going to (hopefully) be primarily a compilation of happy thoughts. Which is to say a relatively normal sort of thing to do. As if I were just another person with my head in the sand... another member of the positivity cult. Another immoral person... But it's OK as it's the last instant of the world anyway. Also compiling happiness is a crucial activity for any longterm thinker.

...Inconsiderate in being so ranty, so overwhelmingly negative and in not caring much about being misunderstood....