Monday, September 30, 2019

Switching to 50/50 sight reading/ memorizing per discussion where pretty much everyone said memorizing is just as much an improvable skill. This instead of scales and then just sight reading. Was up to f sharp major on contrary scales. Still an hour a day. Wife won't allow longer. Still Czerny 30 to ...47 or so. Over and over.

A month of sight reading for an hour a day really helped my ability to learn memorize repertoire. Canon in D and Pathetique 2nd are both good except for occasional pause in last couple lines. Mostly memorized first page of Pathetique 1st movement 1st page in two days and quickly moving through 2nd page. Also relearning Rach c sharp prelude ending.
Need to keep up with Czerny 599 some every day considering how much it helped. Wow. Put aside scales and my etude for a bit.

I feel very humble thanks to piano playing being my main hobby / interest. I really have a whole lot of nothing much going on while also not really being very good yet at piano.

The people who have forsaken me, I am not feeling moral outrage about anymore, because I'm not much of anyone. Perfectly understandable they wouldn't want to associate with me. This of course goes beyond the piano.

I wish I had been playing for an hour minimum daily from a young age. So nice to just play piano and not bother with people.