Wednesday, May 27, 2020

I have mulliganed my OSC submission. Definitely not Chocolate Falafel. I wrote 3 songs with Tricent. It's a frustrating synth. The third is Infinite Repository. I will go with that one. Trying to now wait very late to submit. Thinking of any way I can improve stuff.

My top ten:

A Journey's End
Quiet Peace Enfolding
Space Needle Rain
Real Life Caricatures
Roller Rink

I Slept As Never Before
Infinite Repository
Rucker Park
"Tricent Ambient"

Top 5 are pretty decent. Perhaps the piano one is a bit repetitive considering it's piano. But I really enjoy listening it. I need to mess with Neptunus. I like it yet it got voted almost last place lol. I still really think it's a worthy song. I will really shorten it and lessen the detuned strings. Possibly knock it from 5.5 to just 3 minutes...... Rucker Park is maybe badly named. Maybe goes on too long. "Tricent Ambient" needs improved I think. Somehow. Needs a name I guess. Infinite Repository I like. Just not very happy with Tricent. I Slept As Never Before I also like. It didn't do well enough in the OSC. That has turned me against it. Someone said it was "slow". ...It's called I slept as never before, were you expecting EDM? Space Needle Rain the brass is still a little iffy to me. But Rink, End and Enfolding are damn perfect. I spent forever mastering End. (Green Eugene, ValhallaSupermassive, Luftikus, TDR Kotelnikov, Loudmax, JS Event Horizon Limiter/Clipper)