Sunday, May 21, 2017

Things I wish I had known when I was 10:
1. Hit a forehand with your arm straight and don't pull your head up. Latch on to Dr. White, kiss up to Greg Patrick, so on. Kiss up hard to other adults as your own parents won't do anything for you.
2. Most running should be done without breathing hard. Breath hard like every 5 to 7 days.
3. Best to run at night. Don't bother eating afterwards unless the exercise was anaerobic.
4. Anaerobic exercise is what's giving you insomnia.
5. Stop eating meat. You don't need it to be strong. And you already know it's unethical.
6. Stop trying to bulk up/get huge. 210 pounds is plenty. Perhaps you're just doing this in response to being bullied and / or not getting anywhere with the chicks. The first reason is very sad. The second is dorky. And there's no magical way to get crazy strong. Arthur Lydiard had it right. Short of PEDs you max out within a couple months at most.
7. Try being a bit less idealistic. People aren't going to be honest with you. They don't even know how to be honest with themselves. They aren't going to discuss their differences and come to reasonable agreements / learn from one another. They mostly just start fights.
8. Instead of approaching dating like a game where the goal is to get someone to like you, ask yourself: do you actually like this person?

Really though I had no chance ultimately. I've often thought back about what I would change concerning the bigger more important stuff and there is nothing I could have done that was legal. I needed different parents to have any chance at all. I suppose I should have found some decent adult and latched on to them. Told them how bad my home situation was. But even that... who would that have been...??? Maybe Dr. White. No one else comes to mind.

But I wasn't smart enough for that. Instead of trying to change my situation I tried to make the best of it. Making the best of it I guess for me seemed to include not facing what it really was. Of course changing it would have been just about impossible anyway. Really I had no chance at all. I was thrown out into it without any chance and I was lucky to survive. I wish though I had understood better how ill prepared I was thanks to what my home life was though. I think the resulting humility would have been good.