Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I had the elliptical on a decline so I didn't hit my knees on it. Switched to an incline (and stand further back) and my 2 mile run went from 14:25 (no improvement for three weeks really) to 14:15 and now 14:10. Otherwise I'm now just doing one 2 hour run at maffetone and 2 hour elliptical also at maffetone.

Decided to hit a two handed forehand so I just don't have to worry about tennis elbow hopefully. Also thinking to do hands backwards (like a left hander) and also hit overheads with two hands, lol.

Read 1st book of new Fitz/Fool trilogy by Robin Hobb. Cried.

Wish I had more time. Don't have time to work, do sports, do music, have a garden, write stories and see relatives/friends. Not even close.