Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Intervals 5 days a week. This is I think may be the 6th week. But maybe only the third or fourth on a treadmill. 7% incline. Up to 6.875 mph for 8 2's then 7.4 for 4 1's. Felt kind of good today. Very little discomfort. Just maybe I'll set a pb this weekend for 4 miles (current is 7:18).


Mentally not feeling all that great. Not enough to do at work and the one wonderful boss left. Now just left with this one who's main positive quality is that I very rarely see them. Not very smart, doesn't reply to the questions I ask, and just kind of leaves it out there that maybe I'm supposed to just work 60 hours a week to accomplish the otherwise impossible?? Maybe? I don't know? She doesn't say. If she said so for certain, I'd just go ahead and start looking for a new job. Instead though, I'm in this gray area of cluelessness that I especially dislike. Don't like to play these kind of fucking games with people. Why can't I just be a farmer? Wake up and go do my damm work, the work that is clearly set for me to do and not have to worry about fucking games. Fucking Dilbert crap leaves me miserable.


Thinking about how irrelevant the typical feudal society of fantasy fiction is to modern reality. But then I don't know. Does it matter? What have I really learned from any fantasy fiction book?

I think the villains have helped develop my sense of morals. Beyond that at best, I have a beautiful memory of some other place. In some way I make myself believe that these other places exist... The Six Duchies, the Gaeane Reach, Gormenghast, that Brent Weeks world. Middle Earth, GRR Martin's world. That is mostly it.. The lack of relevance is kind of a good thing. But, the characters in these books are of course relevant in some ways. Not in an Office Space way I guess, thank god. But in some ways......

Excepting Vance, no such memories for sci fi. All those dystopias... mean nothing to me. If it doesn't change this world, what's the point of writing about a dystopia? Did Huxley help us get rid of the assembly line? We barrel forward all the same no matter what is written. We can only hope for an escape, some little something to hold on to in the back of our mind.